How important is hydration, we know we need water to live. Your body loses water everyday which must be replaced. If you don’t replace the water as you lose it this can cause problems.
Drinking too little or too much can hurt your body. You want to drink a balanced amount of water replacing water as your body loses it.
Your body needs water to make blood. If your body is low on water it can also lower the blood level making it harder for the heart to pump and your brain has to ration the lower amount of available blood to your different organs.
Drinking water helps every organ in your body including your heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, digestive system as well as your muscles, joints, eyes and ears.
The Beauty Benefits
Drinking water also helps your skin fight wrinkles, your hair be thick and beautiful and helps prevent cavities and help you have better breath.
The Best Way for your Body to Receive Water
Your body loses water throughout the day and you want to replace it as you lose it. The easy way is to drink water 3 times a day. You can do this morning, noon and night or at breakfast lunch and dinner.
Everyone is different depending on your body and if you have and health conditions. You may need to talk to your Doctor to check if you are not sure.
On an average your body loses 8 cups of water a day it may seem a lot but when you think about it everything that leaves your body is losing fluid, it makes sense.
1 Cup Breathing
2 Cups Sweating
5 Cups Peeing and Pooping
Your body is amazing machine and every fluid in your body is made with water. Low fluid levels will damage major organs in your body.
How the different organs of your body use water-
Lungs – Water helps mucous and cilia clearance system remove Covid – 19 virus particles from nose, throat and lungs before they can multiply.
Heart – Water helps reduce high blood pressure and blood clots and lowers risk of heart disease.
Brain – Water helps reduce stress, anxiety and low energy helping you feel happier with more energy.
Digestive System – Water helps you digest food, avoid acid reflux and heal your digestive system.
Kidney and Liver – Water helps your liver and kidneys process and remove toxins and waste.
Muscles and Joints – Water helps reduce joint friction and pain. Water makes muscles stronger and last longer.
Eyes Ears and Hair – Water helps reduce stress and dry eye and balance hearing it also helps the follicles of your hair by getting nutrients to the hair.
Drinking water helps your lymphatic system. If you are dehydrated your body isn’t producing enough lymph fluid in the body and this impacts your lymphatic system. The Lymph system creates and releases white blood cells as well as other immune cells which fight bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Especially with Covid so revelant here now we need our body’s immune system to work at its highest level.
There are many ways of increasing your water intake especially when you exercise you can drink water a half hour before and drink water every 20 minutes while exercising and drink water a half hour after exercising as well.
You lose more water when exercising that sitting still. People who work out can be in great shape but forgetting to drink water to replace the water lost from sweat can still place them at risk.
When drinking try not to skull your water as this floods your kidneys and make you pee a lot.
More and more people are taking water bottles with them when they go out but the most important thing is to make sure you drink throughout the day.
Try a test of really making an effort to take note of how much water you drink and this has to be plain water not soda water or anything added to it. Do this test for at least 2 weeks and take note of any improvements.