As a naturopath treating all kinds of conditions in people and finding that a lot of conditions are connecting to how much toxins and heavy metal’s we carry in our bodies especially neurological conditions.

We have to look at our environment that we are living in it is such a disposable and plastic world and it is not only affecting us as humans and our wildlife but our oceans and our animals in the wild.

It is a hard problem to address but there are many things you can do to make the changes in your home and if we can make the changes in the home you will see the difference in your body you will also have the right mindset to be addressing things in our environment .


What is a Toxic Load?

Toxins can take the form of ‘heavy metals (such as mercury, lead cadmium and aluminium) herbicides, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs) and other persistant organic pollutants (Pop’s) including phthalates, parabens and bisphenol A (BPA) are now identified as having significant impact on our health.

Toxic Load can also include what we wear on our bodies (chemical dyes, synthetic fabric’s)  the home we live in and surround our self in, this is giving off gases eg. paint, furniture and carpets products that we are around in our daily lives, also shampoos, deodorant, toothpaste and also skin care and makeup.

Our bodies process toxins through our liver and kidneys and eliminate them through skin, faeces and urine.  Toxin build up can lead to many conditions that effect how your body functions it can affect your hormonal system, increased sensitivities to allergens and weakened immune system.   There is also a lot of research on neurological conditions being affected by heavy metals where there is a massive increase in our society with Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and ALS.

While you may not be able to avoid toxins altogether, there are certainly ways you can reduce your exposure to toxins and reduce toxic load.

How to Make the Changes for your body.

1.     Transition all cleaning, personal care and make up products to natural equivalents.  (There are great aps out their to make this easy, the one I use and love is called Yuka and it has a carrot on the front.)

2.     Avoid walking or exercising along main roads always look for parks, rivers or the beach as great alternative it is not good to be breathing in exhaust from cars.

3.     Install a water filter – this reduces exposure to chlorine and fluoride which can both negatively impact on your thyroid and many other organs.

4.     Store and heat all food in glass or stainless steel containers (I have also got rid of my plastic spoons which you use when cooking (not good for you).  Plastic container are comprised of EDC status as they still contain similar bisphenol compounds (such as BPE or BPS).  These chemicals transfer into foods especially when heated, making their avoidance a powerful step in reducing EDC intake.

5.     Use natural air fresheners and perfumes – Synthetic scents contain Phthalates a known EDC group with manufactures only required to list these chemicals as ‘fragrance or parfum’ on labels which can make it very easy to not know what is in the product you are using.

6.     Use organic meats and produce when possible – reducing down the chemical load in our food can be the most important way to clean our bodies.

7.     Incorporate plants inside your home – not only do they consume carbon dioxide, indoor plants also absorb and hence reduce levels of air pollution and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are emitted form indoor furniture, paints, aerosols and adhesives.  Plants such as the Peace Lily, Boston Fern, Aloe Vera and bamboo all offer this fantastic protective effect.

There are many ways to increase the excretion of toxins from your body

1.     Exercise -  This promotes the circulation of the blood and lymph system, enhancing the elimination of waste from the body.  It also increases the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your organs and muscles for optimal repair and functioning.

2.     Dry Skin Brushing -  As your skin is a major organ of elimination, removing any build-up of dead skin cells increases your body’s capacity to detoxify and eliminate toxins effectively.

3.     Spa Treatments -  Sauna and massage are another great

way to detoxify and a very enjoyable one.

I have put majority of all these suggestions in place in my life and have noticed the difference in my body, skin and my environment.  I am hoping you will try to put some of these in place in your own lives.

Good Luck and if you have any questions on how to follow these suggestions please contact me on


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